[1452] Ezreal 时间限制: 1000 ms 内存限制: 65535 K问题描述 There are a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) on Ezreals arm. The LCD is composed of liquid crystal, and the LCD is 16 lines and 48 rows. How did it work? The CPU will send a series of bytes to the LC…
一、USB简介 USB(Universal Serial BUS)通用串行总线,是一个外部总线标准,用于规范电脑与外部设备的连接和通讯。是应用在 PC 领域的接口技术。USB 接口支持设备的即插即用和热插拔功能。USB 是在 1994 年底由英特尔、康柏、IBM、…