Trilium Notes 插件合集介绍 awesome-trilium A collection of interesting Trilium Notes extensions. Including themes, widgets, scripts, API extensions, etc. 项目地址:
Trilium Notes 是一款功能强大的知识库…
Beaver Notes 开源项目教程 Beaver-Notes Build your knowledge one log at a time 项目地址:
1. 项目介绍
Beaver Notes 是一个专注于隐私的笔记应用程序,适用于 Mac OS、Windows 和 GNU/Linux 系统。它允…
With the amount of email you receive in a given day, it’s hard to keep them all straight, no matter how you organize your inbox. Today we show you how to use the Notes feature to help get better organized. 在一天之内收到的电子邮件数量很大,无论您如何组织收…
出自: For the last few months, I have had a nearly constant stream of queries asking how TinEye works and, more generally, how to find similar pictures. The truth is, I…