

sendgrid 介绍 (Introduction) In part 1 of this article, we discussed concept of Email as a Service, and benefits it can bring. In this part we will talk a bit more about three leading and upcoming providers in this market -Sendgrid, Mailgun and Postmark. E…

UNITY零基础学习 month1 day6

UNITY零基础学习 month1 day6 光照系统简介Global IllmuinationLight组件属性直接光照间接光照环境光照反射光照 光照系统 简介 Global Illmuination 简称GI,即全局光照 能够计算直接光、间接光、环境光以及反射光的光照系统 通过GI算法可以使渲染出来的光照效果…


1.灯光介绍 Unity灯光的简介 Area Light 区域光(只能用做烘培,常用雨补光或者是发光的屏幕上) spot light 射灯(和点光源搭配使用对于路灯的使用比较多) point点光源(对于发光的物体使用较频繁&#x…

禁止 ios H5 中 bounces 滑动回弹效果

在开发面向 iOS 设备的 HTML5 应用时,控制页面的滚动行为至关重要,特别是禁用在 Safari 中默认的滑动回弹效果。本文旨在提供一个简洁明了的解决方案,帮助开发者在特定的 Web 应用中禁用这一效果。 1. 什么是滑动回弹效果? 在 iO…

无监督学习 k-means_无监督学习-第1部分

无监督学习 k-means 有关深层学习的FAU讲义 (FAU LECTURE NOTES ON DEEP LEARNING) These are the lecture notes for FAU’s YouTube Lecture “Deep Learning”. This is a full transcript of the lecture video & matching slides. We hope, you enjoy this as much as…


Chapter1 先进半导体材料及器件基础 作者: Saint 掘金:https://juejin.im/user/5aa1f89b6fb9a028bb18966a 微博:https://weibo.com/5458277467/profile?topnav1&wvr6&is_all1 GitHub:github.com/saint-000 知乎&#xf…

springboot连接redis 没有权限 io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: NOAUTH Authentication requir

io.lettuce.core.RedisCommandExecutionException: NOAUTH Authentication required 解决方案: 1.检查一下你linux端口有没有开放 2.在确认开放了端口且工具能连得上redis(密码都正确)的情况下。检查一下 密码是参数 是不是 password , 可能…

解决更新页面数据回显时时间不匹配问题:The specified value “Fri Nov 05 08:00:00 CST 2021“ does not conform to the requir

解决更新页面数据回显时时间不匹配问题 我们输入时间数据回显,但是页面时间并没有显示 时间没有回显效果图 客户端控制台提示信息: The specified value “Fri Nov 05 08:00:00 CST 2021” does not conform to the required format, “yyyy-MM-dd”. …

按照黑马教程学习javaWeb出现Property ‘dataSource‘ is requir报错HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error——解决方案

在做网页登录时候,servlet无法连接到数据库,报错提示 Property dataSource is required 具体错误如下: HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error Type Exception Report Message Property dataSource is required Description The serv…

Arcgis Server 发布服务报错Failed to start the server machine ‘XXX‘. Error while starting AppServer. Requir

Arcgis Server 发布服务报错 Failed to start the server machine ‘XXX’. Error while starting AppServer. Required port ‘1,099’ already in use.’ 1.大概率是端口冲突,修改端口号 admin目录: 浏览器输入路径如:http://您的ip:6080…

Error response from daemon: pull access denied for registey, repository does not exist or may requir

我在从docker公有仓库下载registry镜像报错 Error response from daemon: pull access denied for registey, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied 后面我发现,是我镜像name写错了&a…

leetcode报错:reference binding to misaligned address 0xbebebebebebec0ba for type ‘int‘, which requir 4

leetcode&#xff0c;剑指offer 31题报错&#xff1a; Line 170: Char 16: runtime error: reference binding to misaligned address 0xbebebebebebec0ba for type int, which requires 4 byte alignment (stl_deque.h) 0xbebebebebebec0ba: note: pointer points here <m…

TypeError: Failed to execute ‘setItem‘ on ‘Storage‘: 2 arguments requir

错误描述 在学习vue的时候要用到前台的缓存sessionStorage&#xff0c;于是使用了如下方式存储 window.sessionStorage.setItem(activePath)但是却在控制台出现了如下的报错信息 vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:1888 TypeError: Failed to execute setItem on Storage: 2 argumen…

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pip‘;ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requir

错误提示1&#xff1a; ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pip 解决方法&#xff1a;在windows环境下cmd输入以下命令 python -m ensurepip 错误提示2&#xff1a; (base) PS C:\Users\77937> pip install pyplotplus ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfie…

Parsing error: No Babel config file detected for xxx Either disable config file checking with requir

前言 &#xff1a; 在vue新建项目中 第一行标红 解决方法就是 在package.json 文件中 添加 “requireConfigFile” : false 即可解决

安装Cartopy报错 Proj4 version 0.0.0 is installed, but cartopy requir

报错了好久&#xff0c;感谢这篇文章救我&#xff0c;非常好用&#xff01; 关掉vpn

Description:Field contentMapper in worldtolingyidianke.file.service.impl.ContentServiceImpl requir

敲代码遇到了bug: Description:Field contentMapper in worldtolingyidianke.file.service.impl.ContentServiceImpl required a bean of type worldtolingyidianke.file.mappers.ContentMapper that could not be found.The injection point has the following annotations:-…

Server Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost was unable to start within 45 seconds. If the server requir报错

出现这个问题 1. 2&#xff0c; 修改这里的时间 如果还是不行的话 在project里clean一下你自己的工程就OK了。 在关闭eclipse的时候&#xff0c;记住把Tomcat关闭一下&#xff0c;就会避免这个问题了。