Predicting circRNA-disease associations based on autoencoder and graph embedding 文章链接
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a special kind of non-coding RNA. They play important regulatory role in diseases throug…
l论文题目:Predicting Human Microbe-Drug Associations via Graph Convolutional Network with Conditional Random Field(基于条件随机场的图卷积网络预测人体微生物-药物关联) 文章目录 摘要一、引言二、相关工作2.1 Graph convolutional …
An association represents a structural relationship between classes or between a class and an interface. An association can be created in the following diagrams:
连接代表类之间、接口之间的层次关系,连接可以由Class Diagram和Composite Structure Di…
Windows Server 2016部署WDS服务图文详解 Windows Server 2016中的WDS服务,全称Windows 部署服务(Windows Deployment Services)主要用于大中型网络中的计算机操作系统的批量化部署。可以通过WDS服务可以管理映像及无人参与安装脚本,并提供人工参与安装和…
WDS 即 Wireless Distribution System,是无线网络部署延展系统的简称,指用多个无线网络相互联结的方式构成一个整体的无线网络。简单地说,WDS就是利用两个(或以上)无线宽带路由器/AP通过相互连接的方式将无线信号向更深远的范围延伸。利用WDS…