Here at knowing how for really consumed Web designers/developers probably 150 or even 200 WP themes just won’t be enough. The first 50 themes are our babes, we made them helped by our new developed application “WordPress Theme Generator“ …
Gesture Drawing with Alex Woo Gesture Drawing with Alex Woo and Louis Gonzales ------------------------------Animation------------------------------Basics Animation 03 Drawing for Animation (基础动画03绘图动画电子书)http://…
『写在前面』 Single-shot目标检测新模型,使用multi-level特征。 作者机构:Qijie Zhao等,北京大学&阿里达摩院 文章标题:《M2Det: A Single-Shot Object Detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid》 原文链接࿱…
M2Det: A Single-Shot Object Detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid Network
算法来源 Single-shot目标检测新模型,使用multi-level特征。 作者机构:Qijie Zhao等,北京大学&阿里达摩院 文章标题:《M2Det: A Single-Shot Object Detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid》 paper地址࿱…