在本章中,我们将介绍执行矩阵-矩阵运算的第三级基本线性代数子程序(BLAS 3)函数。 cublas<t>gemm()
cublasStatus_t cublasSgemm(cublasHandle_t handle,cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb,int m, int n, int k,con…
CUDA Libraries简介 上图是CUDA 库的位置,本文简要介绍cuSPARSE、cuBLAS、cuFFT和cuRAND,之后会介绍OpenACC。 cuSPARSE线性代数库,主要针对稀疏矩阵之类的。cuBLAS是CUDA标准的线代库,不过没有专门针对稀疏矩阵的操作。cuFFT傅里叶变换cuRAND随机数CUDA库和CPU编程所用到…
发光二极管二极管引脚 With image technology progressing faster than ever, High-Def has become the standard, giving TV buyers more options at cheaper prices. But what’s different in all these confusing TVs, and what should you know before buying one? 随着图…
Hans Hoffmann等人在论文《Studies on the Bit Rate Requirements for a HDTV Format With 1920 x 1080 pixel Resolution, Progressive Scanning at 50 Hz Frame Rate Targeting Large Flat Panel Displays》中,研究了HDTV的码率和视频质量之间的关系。在此记录一下…