题目: public class CPU {int speed;void setSpeed(int m) {speedm;}int getSpeed() {return speed;}
}public class HardDisk {int amount;void setAmounr(int m ) {amountm;}int getAmount() {return amount;}
}public class PC {CPU cpu;HardDisk HD;void setCPU…
PC类: public class PC { CPU cpu;//定义cpu为CPU类型 HardDisk HD; public void setCPU(CPU c){ cpuc; } public void setHardDisk(HardDisk h){ HDh; } public void show() { System.out.println("cpu的速度:"cpu.getSpeed()"硬盘的容量…
cpu速度和硬盘容量 public class CPU { int speed; public int getSpeed() { int sp; spthis.speed; return sp; } public void setSpeed(int m) { this.speedm; } } public class HardDisk { int amount; public int getAmount() { int am; amthis.amount; return am; } publi…
jQuery之所以令人爱不释手,在于其强大的选择器表达式令DOM操作优雅而艺术。jQuery的选择符支持id,tagName,css1-3 expressions,XPath,参见:http://docs.jquery.com/SelectorsDEMO: <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Tr…
1.Vector Norms
满足正定性,齐次性,三角不等式 ,无穷范数是最大的坐标值 范数等价的定义: If there exist positive constants C1 and C2 such that , then || ||A and || ||B are said to be equivalent. All the vecto…