解决The following has evaluated to null or missing的问题 今天早上遇到了访问页面是,抛出的一个问题 The following has evaluated to null or missing: > optionItem[’’parameters.listValue] [in template “template/haiyisoft/drop/drop.ftl” at line …
写代码时,想打印下数据看看,结果出现了如下情况: 没有数据了!发现右边有个蓝色的感叹号,放上去有如下说明: This value was evaluated upon firstexpanding. It may have changed since then.
报错问题:The following has evaluated to null or missing: > secondNode.teachplanMedia [in template “course_template.ftl” at line 183, column 148] 从图可看出,teachplanMedia可能为空,所以报错。所以我们需要加入判断语句 O…