xbmc There’s no need to navigate your media center like it’s the 20th century anymore. The future is now and you can zip through your media and control XBMC with the touchscreen of your iOS device. 无需再像20世纪那样浏览媒体中心。 未来就在眼前,…
// 将十六进制的颜色值转为rgb 包括#eee(简写)或者#63FFCB(全写)的情况
function hexToRgb(color) {var result /^#?([a-f\d]{1,2})([a-f\d]{1,2})([a-f\d]{1,2})$/i.exec(color);return result ? {r: parseInt(result[1], 16)…
css导航栏 Every website needs a navgation bar to help visitors navigate around the website. This is generally accomplished by putting a top horizontal navigation bar or a side vertical navigation bar. 每个网站都需要一个导航栏,以帮助访问者浏览网站…