ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace TFR_DATA # alter user tfr quota unlimited on TFR_DATA; grant unlimited tablespace to tfr 表空间配额不足 方法一:SQL> alteruser user_name quota unlimited on tablespace_name; 方法二:SQL&g…
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A View on Current Malware Behaviors Ulrich Bayer, Technical University Vienna; Imam Habibi, Davide Balzarotti, and Engin Kirda,Institute Eurecom; Christopher Kruegel, University of California, Santa Barbara 发布于LEET ‘09 通过对Anubis系统收集到的恶意程序样…
阅读更多,欢迎关注公众号:论文收割机(paper_reader)原文链接:综述:图数据上的对抗攻击与防御 Sun, Lichao, Ji Wang, Philip S. Yu, and Bo Li. "Adversarial Attack and Defense on Graph Data: A Su…