Setup failed
One or more issues caused the setup to fail.Please fix the issues and
then retry setup.For more information see the log file. 0x80072efd - 未指定的错误
目录 前言1. 基本知识2. 命令参数3. 拓展 前言
1. 基本知识
ipvsadm 是用于管理和配置 Linux 服务器上 IP Virtual Server (IPVS) 的工具,是 Linux 提供的一个负载均衡模块,支持多种负载…
原文:http://oddcopter.com/quadcopter-multicopter-configuration-list/ When building a quadcopter, deciding which motors and propellers to buy is tricky, but a very important decision. There is a lot of math and science that goes into understandin…