Hello World ,Hello Classmates,小小代码一片天,虚拟机中造世界,让我们往编程世界里迈一小步,来简单地避开scanf的一些小坑。 Scanf输入函数函数,相信接触过编程的人对这个函数都是很熟悉的,在这…
PFC-FLAC3D Coupling Examples
Punch Indentation of a Bonded Material
Sleeved Triaxial Test of a Bonded Material
结果 PFC-FLAC3D Coupling Examples Punch Indentation of a Bonded Material 这个例子展示了一个粘合颗粒模型(BPM࿰…
目录 Numerical Simulations with PFC PFC Overview PFC Model Formulation How to PFC Model Objects Balls Clumps Rigid Blocks Walls Contacts and Contact Models PFC Commands Index PFC FISH Index Numerical Simulations with PFC PFC Overview PFC颗粒流模型的基本假设…