Mac Book 是个好东西不过很多小程序只有Windows 版本让人很头疼,装个虚拟机吧,不值当的。装个双系统更没有必要,难道还要背两个本子?
Mac 原来有两神器,分别是Wineskin和CrossOver 可以在Mac 上执行Windows 程序,两个的区别是什么呢,个人来讲你要是仅仅在自己Mac 运行程…
wineskin使用教程 Wine serves as a bridge between Windows and Unix based systems. Though there are numerous ways of getting Windows applications to run on a Mac, this is the classic and most convenient route. It creates a wrapper, allowing you to run apps f…
1 Wineskin 简介
Wineskin is a user-friendly tool used to make ports of Microsoft Windows software to macOS.
很多实用工具只有 Windows 版本,而 Mac 机器本身不支持运行 exe 程序,除了安装双系统、虚拟机等方法外,Wineskin 可以将…