方法一离线安装 就是去官方下载pip 官方网址PyPI The Python Package Index 搜索框里打字‘pip’等一会儿会出来或直接点击下载链接 https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f8/08/7f92782ff571c7c7cb6c5eeb8ebbb1f68cb02bdb24e55c5de4dd9ce98bc3/pip-22.3.tar.gz 进装有这一…
警告 Category is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary class
这个警告的意思是, 在category中重写了原类的方法
A category allows you to add new methods to an existing class. If you want to reimplement a method that alrea…
public class Person
{[Category("Score"), DisplayName("English")]public int English { get; set; } 115;[Category("Score"), DisplayName("Chinese")]p…