搭建gos Assigning loggers to package-level variables is an anti-pattern. When you declare var log mylogger.New() in the package namespace, you create a tight compile-time dependency on the particular brand of logger you use. It makes your program brittle,…
以下摘自百度百科 Go(又称 Golang)是 Google 的 Robert Griesemer,Rob Pike 及 Ken Thompson 开发的一种静态强类型、编译型语言。Go 语言语法与 C 相近,但功能上有:内存安全,GC(垃圾回…
SAP ABAP 标题左边 GOS文件菜单 自定义 CL_GUI_GOS_CONTAINER MENU Gos based menu GOS BUTTON *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
*& 包含 LZFG_FI_EISF01