#include <signal.h>
int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act,struct sigaction *oldact);
//The sigaction() system call is used to change the action taken by a process on receipt of a specific signal. sigaction()系统调用用于改变进程在接收…
文章目录 1.信号的基本概念2.利用 kill 命令发送信号3.信号处理的相关动作4.信号与 signal 函数4.1 signal 函数示例一4.2 signal 函数示例二 5.利用 sigaction 函数进行信号处理6.利用信号处理技术消灭僵尸进程 1.信号的基本概念
探索Luigi:构建复杂批量任务流水线的利器 luigiLuigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in. 项目…