[论文笔记 ECCV2020] Learning to Count in the Crowd from Limited Labeled Data 摘要 Abstract贡献 ContributionsModel Architecture(GP-based iterative learning)整个训练过程分为两个阶段1. labeled training stage2. unlabeled training stage Labeled StageUnlabeled S…
论文地址: Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data with Co-Training 会议: COLT 1998 任务: 分类
定义一个实例空间 X X 1 X 2 XX_1 \times X_2 XX1X2, 其中 X 1 X_1 X1, X 2 X_2 X2 对应于同一实例的两个不同"视图". 实例里的每个…
Jiang H, Zhang D, Cao T, et al. Named Entity Recognition with Small Strongly Labeled and Large Weakly Labeled Data[J]. The 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2021). 文章目录 AbstractIntroductionMethod阶段1:…
Labeled Fishes in the Wild数据集处理(适用于yolov5) 文章目录 Labeled Fishes in the Wild数据集处理(适用于yolov5)一、前言二、制作过程1.训练图片筛选2.获取VOC标签3. 完善标注信息4. yolov5训练处理5. 处理数据集下载 一、前…