ios如何介入苹果广告 This earnings season promises to be a wild ride across the tech sector as initial impact from the coronavirus will be reported while a few outliers will seem impervious. Ad-tech stocks are especially vulnerable to other sectors with Goo…
论文名称发表时间发表期刊期刊等级研究单位Identifying Open-Source License Violation and 1-day Security Risk at Large Scale2017年CCSCCF A佐治亚理工学院
1. 引言
研究背景:移动应用市场正在迅速变得拥挤。 据 AppBrain 称,仅 Google Play 商店就…
问题 I need to look at the .java files of the android sdk. I have developed applications before but I never needed to look at them so it wasnt a problem then. I saw there is a jar file android.jar that contains all the class files structured but actual sou…