分为两部分: 1 参考资料浏览流水 2 代码分析 a.异常调转上下文分析
本文参考文献如下 一 . 参考资料浏览 讨论内容 This application note describes the usage of fault exceptions. It lists the peripheral registers in the System Control Block (SCB) that …
Linux 使用 appuser执行命令
sudo -u appuser jpsJVM 常用命令
jps(JVM Process Status Tool):显示指定系统内所有的HotSpot虚拟机进程jstat(JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool):用户收集HotSpot虚拟机各方…
W. Hu, A. Becker, A. Ardeshiri, Y . Tai, P. Ienne, D. Mu, and R. Kastner. Imprecise Security: Quality and Complexity Tradeoffs for Hardware Information Flow Tracking[C], IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), Article 95, …
2021RTSS: HIART-MCS: High Resilience and Approximated Computing Architecture for Imprecise Mixed-Criticality Systems
Imprecise MCS(不精确混合关键性系统)
The Imprecise Computer (IC) is a computer with some structural issue that it can compare two integers correctly only when their difference is at least two. For example, IC can always correctly answer ‘4 is larger than 2’, but it can answer eith…