Blat is a Windows (32 & 64 bit) command line utility that sends eMail using SMTP or post to usenet using NNTP
------------------------ Blat - A Windows (32 & 64 bit) command line SMTP mailer. 一款支持windows cmd(bat)命令行下利用SMTP发送邮件的工具; Use it to automatically eMail logs, the contents of a html FORM, or whatever else you need to send. 它可…
------------------------ Blat - A Windows (32 & 64 bit) command line SMTP mailer. 一款支持windows cmd(bat)命令行下利用SMTP发送邮件的工具; Use it to automatically eMail logs, the contents of a html FORM, or whatever else you need to send. 它可…
windows命令行bat批处理脚本的应用之blat程序自动发邮件 1.3windows命令行下使用blat发邮件带附件 __游旗丶引莫(孙忠) 发邮件脚本模板 rem ----邮件内容----- set body"test mail" rem ----邮件主题---- set s"测试test" …
blat命令 I was reading my bosss blog today, as hes a hard core GTD practitioner - more than I - and Im trying to get better at it. 我今天在阅读老板的博客,因为他是GTD的核心从业者-比我更多-并且我正在努力做得更好。 He recently went on an automation…