ubuntu 强制退出 There are lots of command-line utilities to kill unresponsive programs in Linux, but for the button-pushing-inclined, the Force Quit panel button lets you kill any app that you can click on without needing to remember anything. 在Linux中,有…
nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: JDBC requires that the JdbcType must be specified for all nullable parameters
问题解决: 其实很简单就是可以为空的字段需要配上JdbcType 映射,当然了最好全部配上
<insert id&quo…
【填坑向】MySQL常见报错及处理系列(Communications link failure & Access denied for user ‘root‘‘localhost‘)_AQin1012的博客-CSDN博客翻一下大致的意思就是默认会按照如下的顺序读取配置文件,我上面贴出的配置文…