ISIC2017 数据集 官方下载网址如下,数据集比较大 官方下载地址:
ISIC Challenge
Training Data(1): 2000 lesion images in JPEG format and 2000 corresponding superpixel masks in PNG format, with EXIF data stripped.
委托与事件 信用卡还款 总体: 分别定义一个储蓄卡类,信用卡类,委托事件类,测试类
class Depositcard{private string name;//储蓄用户名private int depositmoney;//储蓄金额public Depositcard(string name, int mone…
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace card_work
{ undefined
class depositCard { undefined
private string name; //储蓄金额 private int depositMoney; //基础储蓄金额 public depositCard(string name, int money) { undefined thi…
ASCII 码简史 Brief History of ASCII code:
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange, or ASCII code, was created in 1963 by the “American Standards Association” Committee or “ASA”, the agency changed its name in 1969 by “American National…