Camera DVP协议讲解 该文章写于2016年,一直未发表。近期工作中又涉及到了Camera相关的内容,重新温习了下相关知识。决定把这篇文章发表出来,大家共同学习。 DVP(Digital Video Port)摄像头数据并口传输协议,提供8-bit或10-bit并行…
What is a digital video port?
As far as I know, there is no DVP spec but the pinout seems to be something of a de facto standard, even though part manufacturers doesnt always call…
A 10-bit 2.6-GS/s Time-Interleaved SAR ADC With a Digital-Mixing Timing-Skew Calibration Technique
作者:Chin-Yu Lin, Yen-Hsin Wei, and Tai-Cheng Lee, Senior Member, IEEE
机构:Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institut…
论文名称:《A Novel Convolutional Neural Network Based Model for Recognition and Classification of Apple Leaf Diseases》 论文作者:Yadav, D. , Akanksha, and A. K. Yadav . 发表期刊:Traitement du Signal 37.6(2020):1093-1101. 论…
PointMLP:Rethinking Network Design and Local Geometry in Point Cloud: A Simple Residual MLP Framework . ICLR 2022
1. 四个问题
1. 前人的工作方向、面临的挑战、本文的贡献
1.1 前人的工作方向
To capture the 3D geometries, prior works mainly rely on exploring sophisticated local geometric extractors using convolution, graph, or attention mechanisms.
1.2 面临的挑战
These methods, ho…