基于 Arm 虚拟硬件平台完成在Cortex-M85上移植RT-Thread操作系统 本实验过程中所显示的优惠价格及费用报销等相关信息仅在【Arm AI 开发体验创造营】体验活动过程中有效,逾期无效,请根据实时价格自行购买和体验。同时,感谢本次体验活动 Arm 导…
完整错误 Error: ERROR 726 (43M10): Inconsistent namespace mapping properties. Cannot initiate connection as SYSTEM:CATALOG is found but client does not have phoenix.schema.isNamespaceMappingEnabled enabled (state43M10,code726) 1. 使用客户端软件时
使用工具连接 hive 时,报如下错误: The specified database user/password combination is rejected: [ 08S01] Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: jdbc:hive2://singlenode:10000/;p…
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR 726 (43M10): Inconsistent namespace mapping properties. Cannot initiate connection as SYSTEM:CATALOG is found but client does not have phoenix.schema.isNamespaceMappingEnabled enabled
java jdbc连接phoenix5.1.2查询…
下载安装好copilot插件后,提示failed to initiate the github login process please try again
就非常的emo。。。 我的pycharm是2021.1版本,在setting中安装最新版copilot1.1.35.2063(我这两个版本亲测可使用)