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在 Electron 中,当一个窗口被销毁后,与该窗口相关联的 JavaScript 对象也会被销毁,再次访问已被销毁的窗口对象时,会导致 Error: Object has been destroyed 错误。 例如之前在写多窗口pinia…
在发布项目时,elk有打印use dubbo version 2.6.2 is DESTROYED, can not be invoked any more!相关的报错日志,来提示dubbo消费者调用生产者时,生产者服务已经DESTROYED。 ChatGpt可知: 2、问题溯源 com.alibaba.dub…
旷视的AlignedReID,很有意思。 The end-to-end learning with structure prior is more powerful than a “blind” end-to-end learning. reid难点:
目前triplet loss等用的比较多。Combining softmax loss with metric learning loss to speed up the convergence is al…
文章目录 论文速读Methodpixel-aligned Radiance Fields。Volume Renderingmulti-view feature aggregation1. Fixed number of conditioning views2 Variable number of conditioning views background Modelcolor correction modelLoss Function Limitatons 论文速读
While …
AlignedReID: Surpassing Human-Level Performance in Person Re-Identification
AlignedReID: Surpassing Human-Level Performance in Person Re-Identification