xbmc XBMC, the wildly popular, free, and robust open-source media center suite, has a new version. XBMC 11 Eden is bursting with new features, improvements, and is even available as a stand-alone XBMC-centric OS. XBMC是广受欢迎,免费且功能强大的开…
XBMC already has an advanced movie library that can gather fan art, movie posters, and cast information all with a simple scan. With XBMC 10.0 you can also combine movie collections into a single entry in your library. XBMC已经拥有一个高级电影库,…
xbmc There’s no need to navigate your media center like it’s the 20th century anymore. The future is now and you can zip through your media and control XBMC with the touchscreen of your iOS device. 无需再像20世纪那样浏览媒体中心。 未来就在眼前,…
// 将十六进制的颜色值转为rgb 包括#eee(简写)或者#63FFCB(全写)的情况
function hexToRgb(color) {var result /^#?([a-f\d]{1,2})([a-f\d]{1,2})([a-f\d]{1,2})$/i.exec(color);return result ? {r: parseInt(result[1], 16)…