DVP(Digital Video Port) 是传统的sensor输出接口,采用并行输出方式,d数据位宽有8bit、10bit、12bit、16bit,是CMOS电平信号。(重点是非差分信号),PCLK最大速率为96MHz PCLK…
我们常用的电脑摄像头接口是USB接口,而常见的智能手机上的摄像头是MIPI接口,还有一部分的摄像头(比如说某些支持DVP接口的硬件)是DVP接口;通俗的讲,USB是串行通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus…
Camera DVP协议讲解 该文章写于2016年,一直未发表。近期工作中又涉及到了Camera相关的内容,重新温习了下相关知识。决定把这篇文章发表出来,大家共同学习。 DVP(Digital Video Port)摄像头数据并口传输协议,提供8-bit或10-bit并行…
What is a digital video port?
As far as I know, there is no DVP spec but the pinout seems to be something of a de facto standard, even though part manufacturers doesnt always call…
A 10-bit 2.6-GS/s Time-Interleaved SAR ADC With a Digital-Mixing Timing-Skew Calibration Technique
作者:Chin-Yu Lin, Yen-Hsin Wei, and Tai-Cheng Lee, Senior Member, IEEE
机构:Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institut…