coldfusion The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP, was first used in the "World Wide Web global information initiative" in 1990. Since then, it has become a part of our everyday lives, whether we think about it or not. HTTP ,超文本传输…
coldfusion I’ve made the case for ColdFusion, but you still need to know how to install it! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to install ColdFusion 6.1 on a Windows machine, and walk you through the basic set up process. If you’re not running Windows,…
Because ColdFusion is not case-sensitive, all of the following are reserved words: IS, Is, iS, and is. The following language elements are keywords in a script syntax: fordefaultswitchcasecontinueimportfinallyfinallocal (inside function declarati…
coldfusion Tired of the same old URL shorteners like TinyURL, or Ever wished you could run your very own URL shortener? In ColdFusion, it’s probably easier than you think. To demonstrate just how powerful and easy to use ColdFusion is, we’…
Ricardo Tomasi在自己的博客上分享了十则CoffeeScript的一行程序,展示了CoffeeScript强大的表达力。你可以把这个页面发给你的小伙伴(也许还有妹纸),让他们震惊一下下。 1. 列表中每项乘2 i * 2 for i in [1..10] 2. 列表求和 [1..1000].reduce (t, s) -…
Coffeekup是基于CoffeeScript的HTML模板引擎。它可以让你用100%纯CoffeeScript编写HTML模板。node.js和浏览器都可以使用。 代码样例 doctype 5 html -> head -> meta charset: utf-8 title "#{title or Untitled} | A completely plausible website" meta(nam…